Stomach pain treatment in Dubai

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Abdominal and Stomach pain

Almost everyone has pain in the abdomen at some point. There are many possible causes of abdominal pain ranging from trapped gas, gallstones, stomach ulcers, IBS, pancreatitis, and even cancer. The features of abdominal or stomach pain can often give clues as to the possible cause.

Type of Pain

It can often be difficult to describe abdominal pain well but the type of pain can give clues as to the possible cause.  Burning pain (especially at the top of the abdomen) is often due to a problem with stomach acid such as a stomach ulcer or acid reflux.  Colicky pain comes in waves and can last for a number of hours. It very often starts suddenly and may be severe enough to wake you from sleep. Gallstones or more rarely partial blockages of the intestine are possible causes of colicky pain. 

Severity of pain

Surprisingly, how bad your pain is does not always reflect the seriousness of the condition causing the pain. For example, you might have very bad abdominal pain if you have gas or stomach cramps due to viral gastroenteritis. However, more serious conditions, such as colon cancer or stomach cancer may only cause mild pain or even no pain at all.      

Site of pain

The site of the pain in your abdomen may give clues as to the possible cause.  Pain at the very top of the abdomen might be due to stomach ulcers, gastritis, reflux, gallstones or pancreatic disease.  Pain at the top right of the abdomen is often due to an inflamed gallbladder or an inflamed rib cartilage whereas pain in the lower right of the abdomen might be due to appendicitis, constipation or ovarian problems in women.  Pain in the lower left of the abdomen might also be due to constipation or ovarian problems, but can also be caused by diverticulitis.  Pain that is more generalised and not located in any one site in the abdomen might be due to IBS, gastroenteritis (or food poisoning), trapped gas, or even partial blockage of the intestines. 

Radiation of pain

Sometimes the pain may feel as if it travels from one site to another.  So pain in the upper abdomen that radiates into the back might suggest pancreatitis or even pancreatic cancer, whereas pain that radiates into the centre of the chest might suggest acid reflux

Factors that worsen or reduce the pain

Abdominal pain that gets worse with eating might suggest a problem in the stomach, gallbladder, pancreas or the upper small intestine.  Pain that is helped by passing stool might suggest a problem in the large intestine (or colon).  Pain related to menstrual periods might suggest a gynecological cause in women such as endometriosis or ovarian problems.  Pain that is worse with movement or in certain postures may be due to a muscular problem in the abdominal wall or a hernia. 

Most of the time, abdominal pain will turn out to be nothing serious but persistent pain lasting more than a week or severe pain warrants further investigation. Dr Neil is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal and stomach pain. He can help arrange any tests that may be necessary to help understand the cause of the pain and start any treatments that may be needed.