Difficulty Swallowing

dysphagia treatment in Dubai


Difficulty Swallowing

Difficulty swallowing often indicates a problem in the esophagus (food pipe or gullet) or the throat.  Swallowing problems can cause a sensation of food or drink becoming stuck in the throat or in the esophagus.  The medical term for this is dysphagia.  Related symptoms may include painful swallowing, choking or coughing with eating, or having to bring food back up again (regurgitation). 

dysphagia treatment in Dubai

What are the causes of difficulty swallowing and dysphagia?

Narrowing in the esophagus can cause difficulty swallowing.  Possible causes of this include gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), eosinophilic esophagitis (a disease that causes allergic inflammation and narrowing in the esophagus), and esophageal cancer.  Neurological conditions that impair the coordination and contraction and relaxation of muscles in the esophagus such as achalasia or multiple sclerosis can also cause difficulty swallowing.  If you have trouble swallowing, make an appointment to see Dr Neil without delay to find the cause of the problem. 

How is difficulty swallowing investigated?

If you have trouble swallowing, a gastroscopy is often the most important first test to visualize the esophagus and to look for narrowing or inflammation.  A barium swallow X-ray is also often a helpful initial test.  Depending on the results of the initial tests, further tests to look for acid reflux or to assess the coordination and contractions of the muscles in the esophagus may be helpful.  

How is difficulty swallowing treated?

The treatment will depend on the underlying cause.  Acid reflux and GERD can be treated with acid-suppressing medication and eosinophilic esophagitis can be treated with dietary changes or medication.  If there are narrowings or strictures in the esophagus these may need to be dilated (or stretched) with a balloon during endoscopy.  

I have difficulty swallowing pills and tablets. Should I be concerned?

Lots of people experience difficulty swallowing pills.  If there are no swallowing problems when you are eating or drinking, and the problem is not getting worse, then it is unlikely that there is any serious disease.  Make an appointment to speak with Dr Neil if you are concerned. 

Dr Neil has over 25 years of experience in investigating and treating swallowing problems. If you have difficulty swallowing or any other signs of dysphagia he can arrange investigation to rule out serious conditions, such as esophageal cancer. He can also help you get the correct treatment to help with your symptoms.