Tests and Procedures

Blood Tests & Stool Tests

blood test and stool test in dubai

Tests and Procedures

Blood Tests & Stool Tests

Blood tests and stool tests can provide important information about your digestive health.  If Dr Neil suspects a digestive disease he may recommend that you have a number of blood or stool tests. 

blood test and stool test in dubai

Blood tests

Blood tests can be used to check for anemia, inflammation or infection in the body, liver kidney and thyroid health, and levels of various vitamins.  They can also test for more specific conditions including celiac disease, pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, iron deficiency, and autoimmune disorders.  Most blood tests with the exception of blood sugar (glucose) and cholesterol checks do not need you to be fasting. 

Stool tests

Providing stool samples can be a bit unpleasant – but a lot of important information can be gained from stool samples.  Your poop can be tested for markers of inflammation (elevated in IBD), levels of pancreatic enzymes (low in pancreatic exocrine insufficiency), the presence of bacteria and other parasites, and the presence of small traces of blood (sometimes elevated with large polyps and bowel cancer).  You will not be expected to provide a sample there and then in the clinic – you would normally be given a pot for the sample in the clinic and you will bring it back to the clinic a few days later.

Get your blood & stool test reports to Dr Neil for expert advice and analysis.

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